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Equatorial coordinates, extinction-corrected MK...

Equatorial coordinates, extinction-corrected MK vs. spectral type, G vs. parallax, and p...

K. L. Luhman, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Equatorial coordinates, extinction-corrected MK...

Equatorial coordinates, extinction-corrected MK vs. spectral type, G vs. parallax, and p...

K. L. Luhman, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Left: MK vs. spectral type for members of B209N...

Left: MK vs. spectral type for members of B209N and the single-star sequence of TWA comp...

K. L. Luhman, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Top left: RV time series with, in green, the G....

Top left: RV time series with, in green, the G. M. Brandt et al. (2021) orbital solution...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Radial velocity variations of Gl 229 A induced ...

Radial velocity variations of Gl 229 A induced by its BD companion Gl 229 B using the or...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The high-cadence part of the FWHM time series s...

The high-cadence part of the FWHM time series shows the  ∼30 days rotation period. The v...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Summary of the RV analysis of Gl 229. Left pane...

Summary of the RV analysis of Gl 229. Left panels: RV contribution from stellar activity...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Detection limit for a planet in the Gl 229 syst...

Detection limit for a planet in the Gl 229 system. The black line represents the minimal...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Posterior distributions of the activity model p...

Posterior distributions of the activity model parameters. Contours denote the 1σ, 2σ, an...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Posterior distributions of Model 1 parameters. ...

Posterior distributions of Model 1 parameters. Contours denote the 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ confid...

Ariane Deslières et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

XMM-Newton EPIC-PN spectra from each of the six...

XMM-Newton EPIC-PN spectra from each of the six ∼40 ks observations (represented by diff...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Combined grating data from all 11 Chandra/ACIS/...

Combined grating data from all 11 Chandra/ACIS/HETG observations of HL Tau, with spectra...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Comparison of model fits to HL Tau observations...

Comparison of model fits to HL Tau observations from 2000 to 2020. All models use one AP...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Lomb–Scargle periodograms of the high-energy li...

Lomb–Scargle periodograms of the high-energy light curves for HL Tau from the XMM-Newton...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

X-ray images of HL Tau from XMM-Newton EPIC obs...

X-ray images of HL Tau from XMM-Newton EPIC observation 0109060301. The MOS2 image (midd...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The high-energy (>2 keV) XMM/PN light curve of ...

The high-energy (>2 keV) XMM/PN light curve of HL Tau from 2020, in chronological order ...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Temperature vs. unabsorbed X-ray luminosity for...

Temperature vs. unabsorbed X-ray luminosity for single-temperature fits to HL Tau (green...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Left: the zeroth-order light curve from the 201...

Left: the zeroth-order light curve from the 2018 Chandra observations. Right: the Lomb–S...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The low-energy (<2 keV) XMM-Newton EPIC/PN ligh...

The low-energy (<2 keV) XMM-Newton EPIC/PN light curve of HL Tau. Soft count rates are t...

Steven M. Silverberg et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Illustration of the gravitational microlensing ...

Illustration of the gravitational microlensing phenomenon used to detect exoplanets. As ...

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Demonstration of the process to identify potent...

Demonstration of the process to identify potential microlensing events by analyzing the ...

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Schematic of the branched Recurrent Neural Netw...

Schematic of the branched Recurrent Neural Network architecture used to classify microle...

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Light curves of a candidate found by AlertFinde...

Light curves of a candidate found by AlertFinder on 2021 May 10 UT 06:00 (i.e., tcut = 9...

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Comparison of the current and future pipelines ...

Comparison of the current and future pipelines for the KMTNet. The current pipeline, whi...

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Learning performance evolution for the three-cl...

Learning performance evolution for the three-class classification task over 5000 epochs....

Javier Viaña et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3




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