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Updated ϒ* models from SML. The three models sh...

Updated ϒ* models from SML. The three models shown (discussed in the main text) represen...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Using the models from Figure 1, the IRAC 3.6 μm...

Using the models from Figure 1, the IRAC 3.6 μm and WISE W1 total luminosities are conve...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

A comparison of stellar masses deduced by g − W...

A comparison of stellar masses deduced by g − W1 colors (SPARC) vs. W1 − W2 color relati...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

A comparison of W1 luminosity vs. gas fraction,...

A comparison of W1 luminosity vs. gas fraction, Mgas/Mbar, for the WISE SPARC sample. Th...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The WISE W1 surface brightness profiles (blue s...

The WISE W1 surface brightness profiles (blue symbols) are compared to Spitzer IRAC 3.6 ...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The comparison of three SPARC galaxy mass densi...

The comparison of three SPARC galaxy mass density profiles using WISE W1 surface brightn...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The luminosity and stellar mass TF relations fo...

The luminosity and stellar mass TF relations for the SPARC WISE sample. Blue symbols ind...

Francis Duey et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

J-band image of TOI-5688 A and B taken with uTI...

J-band image of TOI-5688 A and B taken with uTIRSPEC. A 10 × 10 pixel footprint from TES...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Phase-folded transit light curves for TOI-5688 ...

Phase-folded transit light curves for TOI-5688 A b. Gray points represent the raw data. ...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

(a) Series of RV measurements of TOI-5688 A wit...

(a) Series of RV measurements of TOI-5688 A with HPF (green) and NEID (red). The values ...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

NESSI Speckle Imaging in r’ and z’ bands in the...

NESSI Speckle Imaging in r’ and z’ bands in the inset 2...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

TESS eleanor light curves for sectors 25, 26, 4...

TESS eleanor light curves for sectors 25, 26, 40, 51, 52, 53, and 54. The first two sect...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Parameter space of giant exoplanets hosted by M...

Parameter space of giant exoplanets hosted by M-dwarfs. TOI-5688 A b is marked by the gr...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Plot of planet density with metallicity and equ...

Plot of planet density with metallicity and equilibrium temperature of the planet. The u...

Varghese Reji et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The merged UVIT images obtained from five obser...

The merged UVIT images obtained from five observations of IC 4329a in the NUV N245M (lef...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Detection of an extended source, a galaxy in th...

Detection of an extended source, a galaxy in this case, in the NUV band image using two ...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The distributions of background counts per pixe...

The distributions of background counts per pixel for the NUV (left panel) and FUV band (...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The radial profile of HD 120190 used for PSF me...

The radial profile of HD 120190 used for PSF measurement in the NUV field. The orange cu...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Limiting magnitudes in the FUV/F154W and NUV/N2...

Limiting magnitudes in the FUV/F154W and NUV/N245M bands as a function of (a) exposure t...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Cumulative histogram of calculated SNR of all t...

Cumulative histogram of calculated SNR of all the sources in the NUV (left panel) and th...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The histogram of AB magnitude of all the source...

The histogram of AB magnitude of all the sources in the NUV (left panel) and the FUV (ri...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Two-color images of a few sources in our catalo...

Two-color images of a few sources in our catalog with interesting morphological features...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Comparison of observed FUV-Gaia and NUV–Gaia co...

Comparison of observed FUV-Gaia and NUV–Gaia colors with that predicted for type 1 AGNs ...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Upper panel: Theoretical spectrum of an accreti...

Upper panel: Theoretical spectrum of an accretion disk derived from the XSPEC model disk...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Left panel image shows the two FUV sources that...

Left panel image shows the two FUV sources that have both been identified with a single ...

Piyali Ganguly et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3




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