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Left: the blue dots represent the raw light-cur...

Left: the blue dots represent the raw light-curve data, while the red line indicates the...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The blue light curve on the left was synthesize...

The blue light curve on the left was synthesized by PHOEBE, whereas the model (less mass...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

This figure serves as a visual depiction of the...

This figure serves as a visual depiction of the NN's structural framework, wherein the n...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

On the left, the blue light curve represents da...

On the left, the blue light curve represents data synthesized by PHOEBE, while the orang...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The posterior parameter distributions for TIC 1...

The posterior parameter distributions for TIC 144522855 are presented.

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Fitting results for TIC 144522855 are presented.

Fitting results for TIC 144522855 are presented.

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The fitting results for four targets are depict...

The fitting results for four targets are depicted, with the blue dots indicating the ori...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The fitting results for three targets are depic...

The fitting results for three targets are depicted, with the blue dots indicating the or...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The fitting results for five targets are depict...

The fitting results for five targets are depicted, with the blue dots indicating the ori...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The fitting results for three targets are depic...

The fitting results for three targets are depicted, with the light blue dots indicating ...

Xu Ding et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Excess absorption as a function of time and wav...

Excess absorption as a function of time and wavelength in the stellar frame, for planets...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Average in-transit excess absorption in the pla...

Average in-transit excess absorption in the planetary frame for all three visits. The er...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Band-integrated light curves for planets b (lef...

Band-integrated light curves for planets b (left) and c (right). The band we adopt is 10...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Absorption predicted by pyTPCI for planet c, as...

Absorption predicted by pyTPCI for planet c, assuming arbitrarily that the outflow has a...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

pyTPCI predictions for c (top) and b (bottom) a...

pyTPCI predictions for c (top) and b (bottom) at different metallicities, compared to th...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Two different XUV spectrum reconstructions: one...

Two different XUV spectrum reconstructions: one by A. Youngblood’s group following the m...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Top: the TTVs of TOI-836 c and the best-fit sin...

Top: the TTVs of TOI-836 c and the best-fit sinusoidal model to the TTVs. The vertical g...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The correlation between the “order-of-magnitude...

The correlation between the “order-of-magnitude mass-loss rate” estimated from the equiv...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

“Residuals grid” for visit c2. The colors repre...

“Residuals grid” for visit c2. The colors represent deviations, in percent, from the tim...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

Quadratic fits to the 0th and 80th rows of the ...

Quadratic fits to the 0th and 80th rows of the “residuals grid” for visit c2. They are r...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The molecfit telluric correction step. For visi...

The molecfit telluric correction step. For visits c1 (upper left), c2 (upper right), and...

Michael Zhang et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

In the left-hand diagram, we plot the log([N II...

In the left-hand diagram, we plot the log([N II]/Hα) values for spaxels labeled as HEW. ...

Carter Lee Rhea et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

WHAN plot divided by structures. We show the en...

WHAN plot divided by structures. We show the ensemble of points color coded to each stru...

Carter Lee Rhea et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The left panel is a diagram of the shock region...

The left panel is a diagram of the shock region in NGC 1275. The background image is the...

Carter Lee Rhea et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4

The left panel is a diagram of the central regi...

The left panel is a diagram of the central region of the filamentary nebula in NGC 1275....

Carter Lee Rhea et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 4




  • 703638
  • 138791
  • 88059
  • 68265
  • 12346
  • 2224
  • 1628
  • 598
  • 563
  • 197
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  • 46
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