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Spatially and temporally coaligned Hα − 0.8 Å ...

Spatially and temporally coaligned Hα − 0.8 Å (a), center (b), +0.8 Å (c), IRIS SJI 14...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Top: time series of Hα − 0.8, 0, and +0.8 Å da...

Top: time series of Hα − 0.8, 0, and +0.8 Å data. The field of view (FOV) of each cropp...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Sample plots of the combined cloud-MLSI inversi...

Sample plots of the combined cloud-MLSI inversion results for the Hα and Ca II 8542 Å pr...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Time series of normalized Hα line profiles (top...

Time series of normalized Hα line profiles (top solid line) at four selected points alon...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Time series of all Hα line profiles (left) and ...

Time series of all Hα line profiles (left) and difference profiles (right) obtained at t...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Space–time diagrams of Hα pseudo-Dopplergram (d...

Space–time diagrams of Hα pseudo-Dopplergram (difference between  ±0.8 Å) and selected i...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Line-of-sight velocities along the jet spire (h...

Line-of-sight velocities along the jet spire (height) for the RBE (left) and dRRE (right...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Mean values of the LOS velocity (top; solid lin...

Mean values of the LOS velocity (top; solid line), temperature (middle; solid line), and...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Temporal changes of the chromospheric jet, as o...

Temporal changes of the chromospheric jet, as observed in Hα − 1 Å data (left), and its...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Top: a series of IRIS SJI 1400 images taken dur...

Top: a series of IRIS SJI 1400 images taken during the time window when the IRIS slit pa...

Eun-Kyung Lim et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Sky map of significance observed by VERITAS fro...

Sky map of significance observed by VERITAS from the region near M82. The position of M8...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Gamma-ray SED of M82 compared with hadronic mod...

Gamma-ray SED of M82 compared with hadronic models, varying the spectral index and the e...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Radio SED of M82 compared with synchrotron emis...

Radio SED of M82 compared with synchrotron emission spectra from secondary electrons and...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Radio SED of M82 compared with a model spectrum...

Radio SED of M82 compared with a model spectrum that is composed of a synchrotron compon...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

VHE photon spectrum of M82 from the 2008–2022 V...

VHE photon spectrum of M82 from the 2008–2022 VERITAS observations. The 2008–2009 result...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

The SED of M82 from radio to TeV energies. The ...

The SED of M82 from radio to TeV energies. The radio data are compiled from observations...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

The integral flux above 450 GeV observed by VER...

The integral flux above 450 GeV observed by VERITAS during each season. Upper limits (99...

A. Acharyya et al, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of co...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of cosmic thermal viscous mode with normalized...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate of neutral thermal mode ...

Normalized growth rate of neutral thermal mode (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a function of norma...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate of neutral thermal mode ...

Normalized growth rate of neutral thermal mode (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a function of norma...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a ...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a function of normalized wavenumber (...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of th...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of the collisional cosmic neutral thermal mode...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a ...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a function of normalized wavenumber (...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of tr...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) of transverse magnetothermal (approximate) mod...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a ...

Normalized growth rate (﹩{\sigma }^{* }﹩) as a function of normalized wavenumber (...

Prerana Sharma and Shweta Jain, The Astrophysical Journal 981 2




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