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The left panel shows SDSS-based empirical absol...

The left panel shows SDSS-based empirical absolute magnitude vs. color parameterization ...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

An illustration of multiple stellar populations...

An illustration of multiple stellar populations. The left panel is a color–magnitude dia...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Augmented SDSS color tracks for two isochrone a...

Augmented SDSS color tracks for two isochrone ages (left: 1 Gyr; right: 10 Gyr) and the ...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Analysis of color degeneracies between giants a...

Analysis of color degeneracies between giants and main-sequence stars. The left panel sh...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Examples of priors for model parameters, p(Mr, ...

Examples of priors for model parameters, p(Mr, [Fe/H]), for main-sequence stars and red ...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Luminosity–color tracks, shown with gray symbol...

Luminosity–color tracks, shown with gray symbols, for unresolved binaries composed of an...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Luminosity–color tracks for H and He WDs based ...

Luminosity–color tracks for H and He WDs based on models from P. Bergeron et al. (1995),...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The mean per-pixel values of absolute magnitude...

The mean per-pixel values of absolute magnitude Mr, metallicity [Fe/H], and interstellar...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Statistical performance analysis for the estima...

Statistical performance analysis for the estimates of model parameter Mr (absolute magni...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Maps of the prior (left), likelihood (middle; c...

Maps of the prior (left), likelihood (middle; computed using Equation (6)), and posterio...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The variation of the difference between the tru...

The variation of the difference between the true and estimated values (left: Mr, middle:...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Analysis of the difference between Gaia's photo...

Analysis of the difference between Gaia's photometric (color-based) absolute magnitudes ...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Analysis of the difference between Gaia's geome...

Analysis of the difference between Gaia's geometric (trigonometric) absolute magnitudes ...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

An illustration of the improvement in the “know...

An illustration of the improvement in the “knowledge” of model parameters between the pr...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Analogous to Figure 12, except for estimates of...

Analogous to Figure 12, except for estimates of [Fe/H] (metallicity) instead of Mr.

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Two-parameter covariances and marginal distribu...

Two-parameter covariances and marginal distributions for the posterior map from Figure 8...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Color-coded maps show the best-fit Ar (dust ext...

Color-coded maps show the best-fit Ar (dust extinction along the line of sight) per pixe...

Lovro Palaversa et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

(a) Average atmospheric optical thickness in th...

(a) Average atmospheric optical thickness in the Martian south polar region (60°S–90°S)....

Zhibin Li et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

The fifth-order polynomial-fitting results for ...

The fifth-order polynomial-fitting results for different Martian years. (a) The fifth-or...

Zhibin Li et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

(a) Schematic diagram of the “cryptic region” (...

(a) Schematic diagram of the “cryptic region” (with orange arrows pointing to the area)....

Zhibin Li et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Atmospheric optical thickness for different Mar...

Atmospheric optical thickness for different Martian years. For each subpanel, the vertic...

Zhibin Li et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

(a) The recession process of the MM seasonal ca...

(a) The recession process of the MM seasonal cap during MY36. (b) Average atmospheric op...

Zhibin Li et al, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Number of sources author M.L. scored 4 or 5 in ...

Number of sources author M.L. scored 4 or 5 in the evaluation subset when ordered by the...

Michelle Lochner and Lawrence Rudnick, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

UMAP visualization of the BYOL feature space. E...

UMAP visualization of the BYOL feature space. Each point represents a distinct source in...

Michelle Lochner and Lawrence Rudnick, The Astronomical Journal 169 3

Demonstration of the interactive training proce...

Demonstration of the interactive training procedure. In a “query,” a set of objects is s...

Michelle Lochner and Lawrence Rudnick, The Astronomical Journal 169 3




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