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Shading shows zonally averaged values of temper...
Zonal mean of the total rainfall as a function ...
Mean climatic properties as a function of κ. Qu...
Values of sea surface temperature, volume-avera...
Globally averaged surface temperature as a func...
Two independent color composite Hα and [O III] ...
Color composites of WR 8’s nebula. Left panel: ...
A stretched positive [O III] image showing exte...
Wide FOV color image of WR 8 composited of Hα (...
Hα and [O III] images of the WR 8 nebula showin...
Discovery Hα image showing faint nebulosity aro...
Outflowing gas in PN K 3-54 identified by 13CO ...
Spectra centered on PN K 3-54, where the blue, ...
PN K 3-54 13CO channel map, where α and δ are t...
Left: 4.5 μm light curves of HOPS 12 (top) and ...
Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 μm images of the HOPS 12 ou...
The transmission profiles for the FORCAST 19.7 ...
Probability density functions (top) and cummula...
Comparison of HOPS 383 and nearby protostars in...
A sample of folded radio pulses from PSR J0311+...
Pulsar period vs. duty cycle. The dots represen...
Diagram of spin period vs. period derivatives f...
Radio lightcurve of PSR J0311+1402 extracted fr...
Filter bank plots for PSR J0311+1402 with the C...
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